Cape Cod Adventure Camp (CCAC)

This program is commonly referred to as our “Adventure Trips Sampler”. During Cape Cod Adventure Camp (CCAC), you will have the opportunity to take part in exciting activities and explore the best parts of Cape Cod.

On this trip, we’ll spend a day biking on the Shining Sea Trail, walking around Woods Hole, and going for a dip in the ocean. We’ll go paddling on one of Cape Cod’s many waterways, admire the sand dunes at the Cape Cod National Sea Shore, and explore Provincetown. We’ll take a surf lesson on Cape Cod’s National Seashore and enjoy dinner on the beach.

In our spare time, we’ll take part in the best activities available at camp. We’ll take on Camp Burgess’s high ropes course and zip line through camp. We’ll go to the waterfront and climb the climbing tower. There will also be plenty of time for us to lounge at Base Camp, play games, and get to know each other. For those looking to experience a little bit of everything, this trip is for you!

PREREQUISITES: This trip is open to campers ages 12-16. Campers registering for this trip should feel comfortable riding a bike and being in the water.