If you could teach a child about anything…

Camp Staff Fri 13, 2017

…What would it be?!

As the Outdoor Education Director at Burgess Outdoor Ed Center, I have the distinct honor and privilege to consider this question on a daily basis. With the vast natural resources of our 300-acre property at our program’s fingertips, and with the help of a very talented colleague (cough – Tara – cough), I get to spend a hearty chunk of my work life piecing together creative and engaging standards-based programming that aims to inspire the next generation of environmentally conscious youth. Here, learning equals fun – for all of us!

Our outdoor education programs are enjoyed by hundreds – if not thousands – of students across the South Shore each year. We offer a program that reaches young people in a way the classroom cannot, and this keeps us motivated to make sure that we make the best use of our young visitors’ time while they are here. Our “exploration blocks” take kids to the swamp, the forest, the farm, up a climbing tower, out of their comfort zone, and, in the process, to the heart of what it means to be a mindful citizen and a good friend.

We are in the process of making some new exploration blocks for 2017 and we are excited to expand our environmental education to include living history, compass navigation, and wilderness survival skills as options for incoming schools! All of our exploration blocks have to pass a simple test:

  • is it fun?
  • does it qualify as place-based learning?
  • does it meet educational standards?
  • will kids be better stewards for knowing more about this topic?

If Tara and I think we can put together a class to which the answer will be YES YES YES YES – then away we go: reading books, consulting locals, educating ourselves in the rewarding pursuit of bringing educationally sound and creatively assembled activities together in a 3-hour period of quality learning.

It is fun work, we are lucky to do it, and I highly recommend it! So – what class or exploration block would YOU make?!


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