Fresh from the Farm

Camp Burgess and Hayward Mon 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day from the farm! Things are really warming up here at camp, and it feels like the growing season is finally upon us! Last week we added another six chicks to our young flock – three Buff Orpingtons, a breed known for being very gentle and easygoing, and three Silver Spangled Hamburgs, a breed known for being prolific egg-layers while requiring less food than other breeds.

We also finished turning under the last of our cover crops today. The couple of weeks before the last frost of the season will give the grasses time to decompose, leaving behind richer soil for this year’s vegetables.

Another sign of spring is showing in the greenhouse: the tables are covered with all kinds of seedlings, from artichokes to zucchini, and they’re enjoying the indoor warmth and comfort for a few more weeks before being moved outside.

And finally, our April Vacation Campers did an awesome job during their service morning on the farm. They filled up our new raised beds with soil, they mulched the pathways in the garden and around the animal pens, they rehabilitated an old compost bin so we can compost our food waste from the Dining Hall… all in all, the farm is looking great!


April Vacation Campers are all smiles as they take a little break from their hard work at the farm!

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